
IMM (22): Picture Books (and a few novels) in Verse

This is our 22nd contribution to the The Story Siren’s In My Mailbox, a weekly meme that helps us ingeniously keep track of books that we have borrowed, bought, were given to us, or literally left in our doorsteps or mailboxes for that matter. I have a few more books borrowed from the library that is in keeping with our Poetry-filled Yuletide Cheer theme (several are left overs from the previous weeks). I really owe a great deal to Singapore libraries, they make our bimonthly themes such an awesomely glorious task.

Our theme for the month. Poster courtesy of the ever-talented Iphigene.

Books from the NIE Library

It’s so great that I can borrow from two libraries here. Hehe. I am excited with Song of the Water Boatman and Other Pond Poems by Joyce Sidman and Beckie Prange. Apart from being a Caldecott Honor book, it’s also a perfect contribution for Nonfiction Monday.

Naturally, we couldn’t let a poetry-inspired theme go by without a Shel Silverstein book. Apparently this is his first collection of poems, Don’t Bump the Glump and Other Fantasies. I have also seen the book Mirror, Mirror by Marilyn Singer and illustrated by Josee Masse in quite a few Poetry Friday posts, I believe. Moreover, it reminded me of Jeannie Baker’s Mirror, a wordless picture book that we have reviewed a few months back.

Yay for finding a poetry version of The Night before Christmas by Clement C. Moore, Eric Puybaret, Peter Paul and Mary and Peter Yarrow. Perfect for feature around December. I’ve been trying to find Christmas-inspired poetry books, but I couldn’t find any that seems gothic or ingenious or out-of-the-ordinary-usual-yuletide-glee-vibe. I shall keep looking, though. Michael Rosen’s Book of Nonsense illustrated by Clare Mackie also seems to be a perfect match to the nonsense rhymes of Edward Lear. The Thirteen Secrets of Poetry by Adrian Mitchell and Valerie Littlewood also seemed like a great addition to Nonfiction Monday.

Since I already have the first book, might as well borrow Even More Nonsense from Michael Rosen and illustrated by Clare Mackie. I am sure that both my daughter and I would enjoy this greatly.

I have actually read the book Pish, Posh said Hieronymus Bosch by Nancy Willard and Illustrated by the Dillons a few months back. I thought of saving this for an art-inspired theme, but since the narrative is written in verse, I felt that I might as well include it for this theme. Good Sports by Jack Prelutsky and Chris Raschka also looked like a nicely-illustrated picture book and besides I have a hankering to read all Prelutsky books that I can lay my hands on. Hence, I could not let go of Behold the Bold Umbrellaphant also by Jack Prelustky with illustrations by Carin Berger.

I thought that I wouldn’t be able to find novels-in-verse in our NIE Library, but lo and behold, I found Helen Frost’s Keesha’s House and Jen Bryant’s The Trial which also seems perfect for Nonfiction Monday. I have a feeling we won’t be able to really review all these books, but it’s good to have great intentions – and to have no publishers/authors breathing down your back to post your reviews. Just my two-month library deadlines to think about. 🙂

Reserved from the Community Library

These two books are not technically in my community library – I had to reserve these babies just so I can borrow them. It’s good that there is an online system that easily facilitates this. The Surrender Tree: Poems of Cuba’s Struggle for Freedom by Margarita Engle is a must-read for our theme. I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that Liz Rosenberg has a novel-in-verse – provides me with the perfect opportunity to read her work 17. I met Liz during  the Asian Festival of Children’s Content here in Singapore and I was captivated by her during her session. Hopefully, I would be as drawn to Seventeen. 🙂

How about you? What’s your IMM for the week?

6 comments on “IMM (22): Picture Books (and a few novels) in Verse

  1. Those look like fun books!

    What does the cover of the Switched copy you got look like?


  2. My son would Love these books!!!

    Xpresso Reads


  3. You got some great childrens book. So many awesome books.


  4. Great set! Don’t Bump the Glump sounds hilarious. And I love the Night Before Christmas.
    My IMM


  5. Another nice assortment of books! 17 looks interesting. I love novels written in verse. Enjoy and have a great week!


  6. Pingback: Highlights of November and Carnival of Children’s Literature |

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